EURUSD : Bullish entry 1,338 target1 1,344 target2 1,452 target3 1,364 support 1,332
USDCHF : Bearish entry 1,072 target1 1,068 target2 1,063 target3 1,054 resistance 1,076
GBPUSD : Bullish entry 1,539 target1 1,545 target2 1,552 support 1,532
EURUSD : Bullish entry 1,334 target1 1,339 target2 1,348 support 1,326
USDCHF : Bearish entry 1,074 target1 1,070 target2 1,062 resistance 1,079
USDJPY : Bullish entry 93,6 target1 93,8 target2 94,1 support 93,1
EURUSD : BEARISH entry 1,336 target1 1,330 Resistance 1.340
USDCHF : BULLISH entry 1,071 target1 1,074 target2 1,080 Support 1,065
USDJPY : BEARISH entry 93,0 target1 92,5 target2 92,0 Resistance 93,6
GBPUSD berusaha test level menembus highnya beberapa waktu lalu di 1,552 dan bila hal itu terjadi maka kemungkinan harga akan bergerak ke 1,557 dan 1,568, namun untuk saat ini harga berusaha menembus 1,543 lalu 1,550 kecuali akan adanya intervensi fundamental
EURUSDSebenarnya saya malas mengalisa pair ini secara teknikal karena turun naik di rangenya antara 1,343 dengan 1, 346 ada kecendrungan untuk menembus lownya di 1,340 tetapi resistance begitu kuat sehingga mendorong harga kembali mengejar open dialy di 1,346 namun bila harga open dialy di tembus maka kemungkinan akan berlanjut ke 1,349 dan 1,353 untuk jarak dekat sebaiknya scalping jadi solusi tepat sementara di pair ini hingga trend akan jelas terbentuk, tetapi kalo hargo low di tembus maka akan 1,336 dan 1,330
USDJPYPair ini setelah mengalami penurunan signifikan pada 16 April 2010 lalu kini berbalik arah untuk mengejar break up yang ada di 93,7 lalu akan ke 93,9 dan 94,5 dimana high sebelumnya ada di 94,8
USDCHFBelakangan ini pairs usdchf sangat dipengaruhi dengan isyu-isyu fundamental sehingga sangat volatile namun chart menunjukkan bahwa saat ini harga tertekan turun menuju 1,06 bila tembus maka akan ke 1,059 dan 1,057
Bagi seorang trader yang disiplin maka mengamankan keuntungan meskipun sedikit itu lebih baik dari pada menahan kerugian, maka kunci utama mengikuti pasar adalah rumus klasik yaitu : disiplin dan konsisten dengan perancanaan transaksi anda
GBPUSD : Bullish entry 1,533 Target1 1,553 Target2 1,541 Support 1,523
EURUSD : Bullish entry 1,346 Target1 1,352 Target2 1,355 Support 1,341
USDCHF : Bearish entry 1,063 Target1 1,062 Target2 1,056 Resistance 1,066
USDJPY : Bullish entry 92,3 Target1 92,8 Target2 93,6 Support 91,7
Jangan ikut Bro kalo ragu...
Jika harga tetap bertahan kemungkinan akan berlanjut ke 1,530, banyak yang berharap bahwa down trend masih berlanjut menembus level terendah di 1,519, namun jika harga tetap bertahan di 1,52 maka kita mungkin akan melihat peningkatan terhadap resistance di 1,530.
Beberapa analis menunjukkan support downtrend di 1,517 dan 1,510 dimana bila batas support tersebut tembus maka kemungkinan akan berlanjut ke 1,505
EURUSDPada sesi asia euro terus di tekan menembus supportnya di 1,346 namun mulai terjadi perlawanan di sesi amerika menuju koreksi di 1,349 bila harga tidak mampu menembus harga pembukaan di 1,352 maka downtrend berlanjut ke 1,341 bahkan 1,335 namun bila harga terus merangkak naik maka akan terjadi reversal uptrend ke 1,35 dan 1,36 kita tunggu saja
USDCHFHari ini USDCHF telah mencapai harga tertinggi di 1,068 dan melakukan koreksi ke 1,063 dan 1,062, jika harga terus turun menembus batas resistance di 1,061 maka akan terjadi pembalikan trend yang mana pada sesi amerika USDCHF selalu Hijau kemungkinan akan menuju open dialy di 1,056 lalu ke support berikutnya yang ada di 1,050 dan 1,045
USDJPYSingkat Saja kalo secara teknikal sih menurut saya UJ ini bakalan naik coba lihat di H4, yah paling ke 92,3 lalu 92,5 dan kalo mau sabar besok saja di intip sapatau sudah di 92,8 dimana itu yang jadi tp long term saya
General Factors to consider before you invest:
• Health of the Overall Market
• Fundamentals of the Company
• Trend of the Stock (Basing, Advancing, Topping, Declining)
• Technical Indicators
Every investor should protect themselves with strict Buy and Sell Rules.
Adhere to those rules that make the most sense for your philosophy and be consistent in executing the decisions. Applying a methodology will help to manage the two most extreme emotions in the financial markets – greed and fear.
It is vital to understand the market’s direction:
- You do not want to buy stocks when the averages are in a Bear (down) market.
- You do not want to be in cash, or betting stocks will go down in price when the NASDAQ, S&P 500 and Dow indexes are in a Bull (rising) market.
Most stocks follow the general market’s trend:
- Stocks tend to rise when the NASDAQ, S&P 500 and Dow industrials move higher.
- Stocks tend to fall when the major indexes trade lower.
An Ideal Strategy is:
- In a Bull Market, buy stocks as close to the pivot point as possible which are breaking out of solid bases on surging volume.
- In a Bear Market, stay on the sideline in cash to avoid losses.
- Sell stocks that fall 7% - 8% below your cost. NO EXCEPTIONS
- There will be times this stop-loss rule will exit you from your position and the stock then turns around and takes-off to the upside. These situations are the price one pays to insure against severe losses.
- Create and maintain a watch list of stocks that are sound in fundamental and technical considerations. This is your Target List.
- On a fundamental basis, these companies should be superior to their peers as they are leaders in their industry with unique products and/or superior services.
- Identify the strongest sector and focus on the leading stocks within the sector. Conversely, avoid laggard stocks in a leading industry group.
- Focus on stocks that form sound bases and have successfully found support at the 50-day moving average.
- Identify stocks that are close to the pivot point.
- Identify stocks that trade close to their highs in a declining market, as they tend to do well when the market rallies. These stocks will typically be falling less than the major indexes.
- Keep the list fresh, adding and removing stocks as warranted.
• Buy stocks at the right time:
- Wait for the market to be in an up-trend. A healthy market is one of the most important influences on any stock. A key sign of a healthy market is when high-quality stocks emerge from solid bases and advance to new highs on unusually heavy volume.
- The ideal time to buy a stock is when it emerges from a sound base accompanied by heavy volume. Buy as close to the pivot point (ideal purchase price) as possible. Focus on buying high-quality leading stocks within the strongest sectors.
- Add to your position by averaging up, not down. A key to successful investing is to buy a stock on the way up (which makes no sense to investors that are determined to purchase bargains). You want to buy stocks that prove at an early stage from their base that they have the power to move higher.
- Trading ABOVE the 50-day moving average.
- Heavy Volume propels the stock price upward.
- Rising Relative Strength.
- Positive MACD (momentum indicator).
- As the stock trends upward in a channel, volume should increase when the price rises, and volume should decrease when the price trends lower to test support.
- When the stock successfully tests support levels within a channel rising upwards on heavy volume, each high is to be higher than previous high and each low to be a higher low than previous low.
• Sell stocks at the right time:
- Uncertain market climates and Bear Markets are when you want to be on the sideline in cash to avoid losses.
- Sell when your stock falls 7% - 8% (or less) below your purchase price.
- Sell when the price falls below support levels.
- Sell when a stock falls below the 50-day moving average (dMA) on heavy volume and fails to recover above the 50-day line. This is a warning that something may not be right with the stock.
- Sell when a stock falls below the 200-day moving average (dMA). If you have not already sold the stock fell below the 50dMA, or 100dMA, this is the “get out now” warning.
- Sell if a stock falls for several days and does not rally back.
- Sell if a stock advances then falls sharply retracing gains of the rally.
- Consider taking profit if the stock makes new highs in later stage bases. If the stock is in a third or fourth stage base, the potential for gains is not as great as the gains made in an earlier stage (first and second) stage. Advances in later stage bases usually experience greater volatility and impose greater risk than advances in early stage bases.
- Consider taking partial profits at 10%, 15% or 20% appreciation depending on overall circumstances of the stocks history, sector strength and general health of the market.
- Consider taking profit with 5% - 10% gains if at any time situations with the stock or overall market climate become uncertain adding potential risk to your gain.
• Indicators that signal the stock might be headed for lower prices:
- Trading BELOW the 50 day moving average.
- Heavy Volume propels the stock price down.
- Declining Relative Strength.
- Negative MACD (momentum indicator).
- Decreasing volume on market rallies and increasing volume on price declines provides insight that there is less excitement of buying and greater selling pressure.
- When the stock tests support levels within a channel and falls below the support line on heavy volume, it is a signal the stock may be heading lower. Further confirmation is a series of lower highs and lower lows in price.
• As the stock advances above your buy point, raise the floor of your stop-loss:
- Do not allow gains to turn into losses.
Your stock rises to $24.00. Raise your stop-loss to $22.32. Continue to raise this floor as your stock rises.
• Early stages of market rallies are when the most and easiest monies are made:
- Leading stocks tend to emerge from their bases prior to laggards.
- Late stage rallying stocks tend to have lower relative strength ratings.
- Avoid investing aggressively in the later stages of market rallies as odds of a correction are rising.
• Identify leading sectors and focus your Target List on leading stocks within the sector
Leading stocks will offer greater gains and less risk than the laggards.
• Avoid low-volume breakouts:
A stock that advances above the pivot point on low volume does not have institutional backing and may be poised for further basing or potentially a price reversal.
• Avoid buying extended stocks:
- Stocks that have rallied 10 - 15% or more above their pivot point typically pullback.
- Wait for pullbacks to occur for entry opportunities in up-trending stocks.
• Avoid adding more shares to your position in a stock that is declining:
• Avoid “cheap stocks”:
- Focus on buying higher quality stocks selling at a minimum of $10 and higher.
- A stock trading below $10.00 typically has low institutional participation and therefore provides for lighter volume and wild price swings.
- A stock under $10.00 that is heavily institutionalized typically has fallen from higher levels to this juncture due to deterioration in fundamentals.
- Stocks under $10.00 typically are in declining or basing patterns and the investor may have a long holding period.
- If you do consider to invest in a stock trading below $10.00, wait for the indicators to signal when the proper time to buy might be:
- Trading close to the Pivot Point
- Heavy Volume accompanying the rise in price
- Trading Above the 50-dMA
- Rising Relative Strength
- Positive MACD momentum
- Positive fundamentals / news / earnings
- Strength of the sector in which the stock resides
• Avoid using redundant indicators:
Example: MACD and stochastic oscillators both measure momentum.
Select indicators that measure different phenomena such as relative strength, momentum and trading volume. Use 1 indicator for each.
• Avoid emotional attachment to a stock:
- You may like a product or service the company offers but “it is just a stock.” It can help you gain or lose money.
- Never allow human emotions to drive your buy and sell decisions.
- Greed and Fear can destroy your portfolio.
• Avoid Short-Selling:
- Selling Short - means you sell shares borrowed from a broker as you are anticipating the stock will decline in price. Your goal is to buy the stock back at a lower level with the difference in price being your profit. In a traditional buy and sell, you can only lose the amount of monies invested. If the stock goes to $0.00, your loss is limited the initial investment. With short-selling, the risk is unlimited. When the stock rises, you need to cover or “close the short” buying it back at a higher price. Climactic price gains in a stock driven by unforeseen factors / news stories can be devastating.
- Short-Selling is part of the daily strategies within the markets and should only be applied by professional investors that can manage the associated risks.
• Caution when a stock has failed to breakout on several attempts
A stock that has surged above the pivot point on heavy volume and then pulls back to the pivot point in the same day is signaling “it is not the right time” as indicators may not be as positive as you would like them to be.
• Caution when a stock and / or the overall market makes new highs on weak volume:
• Caution - climax runs usually are warning signals that the stock may be at a peak:
Institutional demand can drive the price up or institutions can sell shares to cause the stock to nose dive. When a stock has had a lengthy advance then suddenly spikes up 30% - 50% (or more) on heavy volume, the phrase “what goes up must come down” should be applied. You do not want to be buying in at the peak of what might be the top and final climax of the run.
• Caution when a stock advances and the sector does not confirm the move:
You might own a good performing stock within a sector but if the overall sector is weak or declining, the potential gains for your stock may be limited and the risk factor is higher. Ideally, you want to own the leading stock in an advancing sector.
• Caution when leaders in a sector begin to breakdown:
When the leaders in a sector begin to deteriorate in terms of price performance and technical indicator strength, it is likely the stock you own in that sector will likely do the same. Monitor carefully with stop-loss protection.
• Caution when a stock makes new highs on lighter than average daily volume:
New highs on lighter volume signals the stock is having a tough time attracting new buyers.
• View stock historical patterns that go back a number of years to see how the stock has rallied or sold off as it reached certain price levels:
Review a 3 - 5 year chart of a stock for the big picture insight to major support, resistance and trend channels of the stock. This provides for an understanding of the important, historical trends and key price levels.
• Study past trades to analyze your winning and losing positions:
Take the time to understanding factors that contributed to wins and losses as this can help you to adjust future buy / sell strategies. There is a constant learning curve to the study of the market.
• Do Not Chase News Headlines:
Instead of chasing news headlines or tips from friends, focus on solid growth stocks breaking out of sound bases. Identify sound chart patterns and stocks trending upward with institutional buying.
• Take An Investment Break:
When uncertain, stand aside. It is best to have a clear understanding of the mood, sentiment and overall health of the market prior to making an investment decision.
• Block Out Opinions Of Others:
Opinions are everywhere. If you let them change your mind, it will always be changing. Rely on sound strategies that identify defined buy / sell price points.
There is no perfect formula that will guarantee successful investments all the time. However, you can be right on less than half your trades and still be a successful investor as long as you keep your losses small, let the winners ride and employ sound sell rules to secure profits.
Every investor makes mistakes. The key is to figure out where you went wrong, and then correct the bad habit.
• Learn From Your Mistakes:
- Maintain a trading log of your investments.
- After a few months, review past trades to see if you bought or sold at the right time.
- Utilize charts to view the picture of the stock history identifying the buy & sell points.
A few considerations to review of your trading activity:
1. Did you sell a stock too early and then the stock advanced for huge gains?
2. Did not implement a 7% - 8% stop-loss and the stock fell producing a large loss in your portfolio?
3. Did you invest during a market downturn and experienced repeated losses?
4. Did you miss sell signals and then see your profit in a stock evaporate?
5. Did you buy below the pivot point and sold before the breakout?
As the above scenarios might be applicable to your portfolio, a few considerations to enhance future performance might be as follows:
1. Hold the stock through mild corrections unless it presents clear sell signals or the market deteriorates.
2. It is imperative to implement loss-cutting rules.
3. Go to cash when the market flashes a series of selling days.
4. Monitor your stock’s price & volume action daily for trouble signs.
5. Wait until a stock clears its base before committing investment.
For many people, it seems prudent to believe that remaining invested through good and bad markets is a sound investment philosophy. This strategy can at times, bring tragic results. There are many bear markets that are not mild, and some are devastating for an investor that remains dedicated to the buy & hold philosophy. As discussed in this publication, the 4 stages of a stock cycle are BASING, ADVANCING, TOPPING and DECLINING. Hopefully, the knowledge gained from the material discussed in these chapters will enhance the investor to implement a flexible investment strategy where buys and sells are based upon the health of the market coupled with technical indicators as viewed on charts.
Waktu Yang Panjang Menunggu Keputusan Kenaikan Suku Bunga Di Asia
Diposkan oleh eTrader Label: FundamentalWall Street-backed senator can't explain why he opposes financial reform, asks reporter what's wrong with it
Diposkan oleh eTrader Label: NewsWall Street-backed senator can't explain why he opposes financial reform, asks reporter what's wrong with it: "
Ted Kennedy's replacement in the Senate doesn't appear to be quite as articulate as his predecessor. Newly minted Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA), elected to the late Kennedy's seat in a special election, stumbled after reporters asked him why he opposed financial reform. The new legislation will take a financial toll on the nation's largest banking institutions in an effort to forestall future financial meltdowns. Asked by the Boston Globe how he'd ...
Stocks, Oil Drop as Dollar Gains After SEC Sues Goldman Sachs: "
April 16 (Bloomberg) -- Stocks and commodities tumbled, while the dollar and Treasuries gained, as Securities and Exchange Commission accusations of fraud against Goldman Sachs Group Inc. triggered a flight from riskier assets. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index sank 1.6 percent to 1192.13 at 4 p.m. in New York, the most since Feb. 4. Oil slid 2.7 percent to $83.24 a barrel and gold, copper and lead declined at least 2 percent. ...
EUR/USD : BEARISH. Target1 1,352.Target2 1,343 Support 1,359.
USD/JPY : BULLISH. Target1 93,6. Target2 94,1 Support 92,9.
GBP/USD : BEARISH. Target1 1,539. Target2 1532 Resistance 1,551
Read More....
GBP / USD began to settle in the range of 1.541 at this time. Previously, the pair had fallen sharply, even touching the lowest level below 1.54, namely 1.538. Action sell GBP in London to make pair depressed. If you continue to fall, then practically strengthen the momentum that could lead pair to the level of 1.552 has expired.
EUR / USD slid sharply during the European session today. This afternoon, even the pair had touched 1.352. The next target is predicted to exist at the 1.35 level. Pair looks continued pressure due to the debate about Greek debt, and did not visit any clear resolution of the state aid issue.
JPY which had weakened in early Asian trading session today, slightly stronger against major currencies. JPY which had dropped to its lowest level in 3 days vs NZD, JPY is currently trading at 66.7. JPY also rose to a level of 87.2 vs AUD, rose to the level of 93.6 vs CAD GBP vs 144.8, 93.4 vs. 127.3 vs. the USD and EUR.
Forex Signal Long Term Dialy
EUR/USD : BULLISH. Target1 1,367. Target2 1,371. Support 1,356.
USD/JPY : BEARISH. Target 93,0.Target2 92.7 Resistance 93,54.
GBP/USD : NETRAL. Target 1,549. Support 1,532 and 1,527.
USD/CHF : NETRAL. Target 1,055 dan 1,058. Support 1,051.
is not much data to move after the European release of industrial output rose 0.9%. Pair still tend to be stable in the range of 1.364 to 1.365. Purchase interest was found waiting in 1.36 and will be a support for the EUR / USD. Interest on sales is also still waiting in between 1.368 to 1.37. 1.36 Option expiry is still
potentially make the pair moves downward.
JPY continues to decline against major currencies in trading today. Currently JPY dropped to the level of 127.6 vs. EUR, which is the lowest level within 2 days, and dropped to the level of 88.9 vs CHF, which is the lowest level in 8 days. JPY continued to weaken until the level of GBP 144.2 vs. 93.5 and down to the level vs USD.
USD / CADusd/cad re-test the lowest point in 2010 in the range of 0.998. The momentum was still falling and if penetrated, then the pair has the potential to continue to fall until the level of 0.994. Option barrier at 0.997 level. Purchase interest did not seem too much and with the momentum of the current strengthening of CAD, possibly buy an existing limit will be penetrated. (Ast)
USD / CHFUSD / CHF which had rebounded to around 1.055 is now back down again to around 1.053. 1.055 apparently indiscriminate selling in large enough and capable of reduce upward momentum. Also reduce the rate of interest in selling the strengthening of the EUR / CHF in the range of 1.439 to 1.44. Both pairs are expected to range when ranging in this, to gain new momentum to move further. (MFT)
GBP / USDGBP / USD moved down sharply to 1.538 to enter the European session this afternoon. Selling interest has reportedly waiting in 1.55 if the pair turned up. Option barriers reported also in the range of 1.548 to 1.549. A stronger USD early afternoon was triggered by rising levels of risk investors, the result of a revaluation of SGD by the Singapore government. The next target is predicted to exist at the level of 1.435 which is the lowest point of trading yesterday. (Rht)
Read More....
EUR/USD : BEARISH. Target1 1,353. Target2 1,348. Resistance 1,366.
Read More....
EUR / USD go back to 1:36 and the UK general election makes EUR / GBP Volatile
Diposkan oleh eTrader Label: FundamentalEUR / USD looks to move up and down, but the pair tends to return to around 1.36. Rumors are circulating mention the efforts of the Swiss investor who tries to keep EUR / USD in the range of 1.36 options expiry. Option expiry reportedly large enough and if this happens, then the EUR / USD seems to be difficult to stay away from 1.36.
EUR / GBP fell to 0.881 depressed this afternoon. Pair had been trying to do recovery ke0, 885 but failed and moved back down again. Volatility of the EUR / GBP seems to be triggered by the Greek bond sale that occurred this afternoon and also publicity-publicity surrounding the upcoming elections England May 6.
Pairs seemed Inclined ranging Fell sharply after yesterday. Buy stop reportedly waiting in the 1.362 and above 1.365 1.369 target. Buy stop reportedly waiting in the 1362 and 1365 above 1369 targets. Option expiry on the level of 1.36 and 1.35. Option expiry on the level of 1:36 and 1:35. Purchase interest in the range of 1.352 will be support for the EUR / USD. Purchase interest in the range of 1352 will of some support for EUR / USD.
EUR / USD------------------------------------------------
MQL4 programming language is contained in the MetaTrader 4 platform. MQL4 is most commonly used to create Expert Advisor (EA), Custom Indicators and Scripts. Expert Advisor / EA, as we already know, is a program to automate your trading based paramater2 logika2 and certain.
Custom Indicators, almost the same as EA, just could not make trades. And can use function2 indicator. Script, just like EA, only be made only 1x when the script is executed. To create a program / script with MQL 4, the way is easy, just run enough MetaEditor.
This MQL4 its structure and syntax similar to C / C + +. So if you've habit with C / C + +, should ga will
have difficulty making the MQL4 program. The difficulty might be when debugging ..Further, MQL4 can interconnect with a DLL file. This allows programming of more complex and complicated, and of course, it's possible to be infiltrated spyware / virus by EA makers (especially those that use the DLL).
Currently, MQL4 tutorial consists of 8 sections:
- Introduction: discuss about MQL4 and usefulness.
- Examples of EA's simple: for example, discusses its Expert Advisor
- Syntax and The Basics: to discuss and comment variables.
- Data Type: MQL4 discuss data types in its examples.
- Operators and Expressions: discusses operators and expressions in MQL4 and examples.
- Decision and loops: discuss the use of branching and looping to regulate flow of the EA program.
- Order and Technical Analysis: EA to discuss how to create order and to use technical indicators.
- Arrange EA: EA discusses how to prepare. It is expected that the reader can make a simple EA
- Use of iCustom: EA to discuss how to craft a custom database entry based on the indicators.
- Money Management: discuss money management system in the EA
If there is a poorly understood, you can ask questions by way of know-Command on the topic concerned. Read More....
EUR / GBP fell sharply to around 0.871. Pair failed to perform recovery after the Bundesbank reportedly refused aid to Greece, was rumored plans other than the EU and the IMF will bring negative impact on economic stability. Bond Greece continues to increase and this makes the euro under pressure. (Rht)
Read More....GBP / USD back up to around 1.538. Buy stop further rumored to be on 1.538. If touched, then the target is in the range of 1.54 predicted. Purchase interest reportedly already looking at around 1.54 and will fight as the resistance to current. (Pst)
Read More....Total employment in Canada released lower than predicted, it makes the USD / CAD sped up sharply from 0.999 to 1.008 range. However, strengthening the momentum lasted only a moment and pair back down to around 1.005 today. (Ast)
Read More....- Memahami apa yang dimaksud dengan rekayasa perangkat lunak dan bagaimana arti pentingnya;
- mengetahui jawaban terhadap pertanyaan-pertanyaan kunci yang memberikan pemahaman awal mengenai rekayasa perangkat lunak;
- memahami isu etika dan profesi yang penting untuk para perekayasa perangkat lunak
EUR/USD : BEARISH. Target 1,327. Resistance 1,341.
USD/JPY : BULLISH. Support 92,3. Resistance 94,8.
GBP/USD : NETRAL. Support 1,513. Resistance 1,538.
USD/CHF : BULLISH. Target 1,081 and 1,09. Support 1,068.
EUR/USD : BEARISH. Target 1,327. Resistance 1,341.
USD/JPY : BULLISH. Target retrace 92,8.
GBP/USD : NETRAL. Support 1,513. Resistance 1,538.
USD/CHF : NETRAL. Support 1,068. Resistance 1,075 and 1,081.
GBP / USD looked depressed this morning. Pairs is now in the range of 1.522. GBP / USD in recent days appear volatile due to the news-news about the election. 1.522 level is a support point and if it pierced the GBP / USD is likely to get a new momentum to the move downwards. (Jnt)
USD / JPY moved up to around 93.4 this morning. Purchase interest in the level of 93.0 and will be supported for the moment. USD / JPY is expected in kirasan ranging 93.0 to 94.0 in the Asian session today. If 94.0 impregnable, the pair likely rise to 95.0. Buy stop reportedly waiting in 94.1 and 94.8. Buy a big stop at the top 95.0. (Hits)
EUR / USD is currently in the range of 1.332. Euro looks still depressed against the USD. Interest in buying the 1.33 level will be supported and if it pierced the next target is 1.327. Yesterday there was rumored intervention by several central banks in Asia and it could provide support for EUR / USD. Yet to this day still no word of the possibility of intervention again. (Jnt)
R1.1533 R2.1540 R3.1551
S1.1516 S2.1505 R3.1498
Long Term : NETRAL
R1.1070 R2.1078 R3.1084
S1.1062 R2. 1056 R3. 1051
Long Term : BULLISH
R1.1347 R2.1355 R3.1361
S1.1334 S2.1328 S3.1320
Long Term : BEARISH
Dialy : 93.9
R1.94.2 R2.94.7 R3.949
S1.93.4 R2.93.2 R3.92.7
Long Term : BULLISH Read More....
Sorry for not so much a guide how to use this because I am lazy to type it in the review then please consult
Interested please download
EUR/USD : BEARISH. Target 1,339 and 1,327. Resistance 1,359.
USD/JPY : BULLISH. Target 95,1. Support 92,9.
GBP/USD : NETRAL. Support 1,517. Resistance 1,538 and 1,558.
USD/CHF : NETRAL. Support 1,075. Resistance 1,044.
USD / JPY tends to weaken today. Pairs are now in the level of 94.0 after the previous even down to 93.8. Substantial interest in buying is in the range of 93.6 to 93.5. While there was resistance at the level of 94.4 and 94.8. Selling interests also reportedly been looking at around 95.0. (Hits)
Read More....GBP / USD today also depressed down. Pair at 1.521 after touching a cautious investors back, waiting for the development of the Greek problem. Reportedly, Greece will soon receive assistance from the EU and the IMF. Support levels are at 1.52 and 1.518. While there was resistance at the level of 1.53 and 1.532. (Rht)
Read More....USD / CHF rose to 1.068 this afternoon. Resistance at 1.07 level; interest in selling reportedly already looking at that range. Purchase interest in 1.065 will be supported for the moment. Meanwhile, EUR / CHF is still depressed seem to be likely to trigger intervention by the SNB, the event will certainly berimbah also on the USD / CHF. (Rht)
Read More....USD / CAD move down to test 1.0. Purchase interest reportedly waiting in the level of 0.998. Oil prices continued to strengthen create CAD tersupport. If the level of 0.998 pierced, then the next target in the range of 0.993 and 0.987. (Ast)
Read More....- Mengetahui mengapa perangkat lunak pada suatu sistem dipengaruhi oleh isu rekayasa sistem yang lebih luas;
- Mengetahui konsep properti sistem baru (emergent) seperti keandalan, kinerja, keselamatan dan keamanan;
- Memahami mengapa lingkungan sistem harus dipertimbangkan selama proses perancancangan sistem;
- Memahami rekayasa sistem dan proses pengadaan sistem.
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EUR / USD: Bearish. Resistance 1.359 and 1.372. Support 1.46.
USD / JPY: bullish. Resistance 95.1 and 95.3. Support 93.7.
GBP / USD: NEUTRAL. Resistance 1.538. Support 1.517.
USD / CHF: NEUTRAL. Support 1.044. Resistance 1.075.
AUD / USD: NEUTRAL. Resistance 0.925 and 0.933. Support 0.913.
USD / CAD: Bearish. Target of 1.006 and 0.998. Resistance 1.013.
EUR / CHF: Bearish. Target of 1.415. Resistance 1.441.
EUR / GBP: Bearish. Support 0.875. Resistance 0.89.
EUR / JPY: Bullish. Target resistance is 128.4 and 129.5. 127.2 Support.
EUR / USD still survives in the range of 1.352 after moving up significantly in early trading this morning. With European bourses are still off today, then the movements of EUR / USD will focus on global forces and the movement of cross pair EUR Euros. Pairs predicted would be relatively higher because of the weakening USD and also the level of risk investors are starting to grow back. (Hits)
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